Cannabis has been a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries, but the ‘war on drugs’ has left the region without access to the life-changing benefits of cannabinoids for decades.

We created MJiLOVE to change that.

Over time cannabis will become a valuable commodity in Asia, where a number of coun- tries could potentially become low-cost pro- ducers with high production capacity, such as China, India, Nepal, South Korea , Thailand , and Japan is currently piloting hemp production.

China has been referred to as ‘an emerging global cannabis superpower’, leading the world in hemp production, and its crops make up almost half of the global legal hemp market. Hemp cultivation is also legal.Just as China has established global dom- inance in hemp, producing nearly half the world’s supply, China will become a major player in industrial cannabis and in hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). China holds 309 of the current 606 interna- tional cannabis-related patents that have been filed, including methods of adminis- tering the drug, according to data from the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). China is widely expected to become the biggest global sup- plier of CBD and is likely to benefit signifi- cantly from market growth and rising global demand.

Asia is the world’s largest consumption mar- ket. It is the world’s largest textiles, garments and fabrics market, the largest cosmetics market, the world’s largest nutraceuticals market, the largest construction market, and China and Japan are just behind the US in the world’s largest pharmaceutical markets. China is also the world’s largest energy market. By 2030, 17.8% of China’s population is expected to be above 65 years old, according to The Economist Intelligence Unit. The report added that Asia is on track to have the oldest population in the world very soon and with old age comes many chronic disease. Estimated that Asia’s medicinal cannabis market could by 2024 be worth $5.8 billion.

MJiLOVE Co. Ltd. is a Chinese based CBD Company which create various CBD products to cater overall health and well-being of individuals. To provide a better solution to Asians’ health issues we are participating in a CBD products while educating our community about its proper use and benefits.

“We aim to delve further into research and development of CBD benefits and minimize harm to the least through innovative improvements in our production formula.”

However, as CBD is now more widely accepted and mainstream (with consumers asking ‘what type of CBD’ rather than ‘what is CBD?’ we expect to see considerably more innovation in the near future. This is driven by consumers in the CBD space wha are now much more informed and keen to use CBD in different ways, therefore we expect to see this demand for innovation and new products escalate in the next year and to continue over 10 years.


With no existing roadmap to success in the cannabis industry, MJiLOVE created its own, valuing intelligence and expertise, and attracting the types of leaders who go looking for opportunities to innovate.Through an enduring commitment to demonstrating the potential of cannabis as a force for good, MJiLOVE ’ s leadership team demonstrates the capabilities and focus to build a roadmap for success, creating long term value for consumers, employees, and shareholders.

“Using our cutting-edge data, analytics, and insights, we work hard to know our consumers better than anyone else and create experiences that make a difference in their lives.We analyze scientific research in combination with consumer data to introduce innovative products that target what consumers desire – sometimes before they may even realize what they are in fact looking for.”


  • We offer a supply chain our clients can trust to help them on their CBD venture, whether our clients are sourcing extracts such as isolate or distillate for their own production, creating their own finished brand with our regulated and approved white label finished products, or crafting a range of bespoke formulations. Utilising our extensive experience in product design and manufacturing, our market leading infrastructure and regulatory expertise ensures our clients are backed by excellence, every step of the way.

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  • Medicinal plants have been a crucial part of wellness for thousands of years in China. No other company combines super-effective plant medicines and CBD in a user-friendly, accessible form. This is how we fulfill our promise of Functional Cannabis. We use different thoughtful formulations of super-powerful plant medicines plus moderately dosed cannabis such as turmeric, ginseng, Panax notoginseng, Angelica sinensis extract.
  • We also formulate using functional levels of vitamins and minerals to allow for genuine health benefits that claims can be made on, something which CBD alone cannot offer.
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  • It is worth remembering however, that different territories are limited by their own specific political landscape. There are many regulations surrounding cannabis products, both in Asia and further afield.We often have to manage the laws and regulations of different countries, and it’s a matter of staying one step ahead of and constantly keeping an eye on the legal situation.


  • Precision – We aim to be precise consistently in our actions to deliver operational excellence in efficiency and quality cost. Therefore, we are always proactive and deliver effective result.
  • Teamwork  – MJiLOVE is made up of amazing individuals, but it’s only through teamwork that we achieve greatness. We’re committed to helping our customers by working together with equal parts humility .
  • Partner for life – At MJiLOVE, we always view things in a long-term perspective. Together with our team, we strive to form a longterm partnership with our customers and help them create successful and business.
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